
map, directions

From Utrecht you take the A2 in the direction of Amsterdam. Take Amsterdam direction Zaanstad – (A7) Purmerend – Hoorn – Medemblik – (N99) Den Oever. At Den Oever direction Den Helder (N99). After about a 1 km drive you will see Restaurant “De Zingende Wielen” at the left side. Here you turn left and 50 meters further on you will see Chaletpark ‘De Wierde’.

From Friesland cross the Afsluitdijk and than take the N99 to Den Oever and drive towards Den Helder. After about a 1 km drive you will see Restaurant \“De Zingende Wielen” at the left side. Here you turn left and 50 meters further on you will see Chaletpark ‘De Wierde’.

From Alkmaar follow N9 to Den Helder. At ‘De Kooi’ take the N9 to Leeuwarden . At the Ewijcksluis roundabout follow the N99 to Leeuwarden. 2 kilometers after passing Hippolytushoef you will see Restaurant “De Zingende wielen” at the right side. Here turn right and 50 meters further on you will see Chaletpark ‘De Wierde’